Peaceful Valley neighborhood upcoming events: (Click: HERE for more info)**Be sure to click on the event for full details.**

Marksheffel cleanup / Treats on the Street Apr22, 2023 CANCELLED/Postponed

Our Neighborhood Bent Grass Pl, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Treats on the Street and Cleanup 22Apr2023 Due to the weather forecast for Saturday this event is postponed till a later date to be determined. Mike The Fun Committee is hosting a “Treats on the Street" Saturday April 22nd at 2:00 p.m. after the voluntary "Marksheffel Clean Up". We are hoping many of you will volunteer for the clean […]

Float into summer

Blue Grass Place Cul- de- Sac

PVHOA Float into summer PVHOA Fun Committee invites you to Float into Summer, Sunday June 4th at 4 p.m. Come and enjoy a root beer/coke float and say hi to your neighbors. It will be held at the cul de sac of Bentgrass Place. Please RSVP to Teresa at by June 1st. If inclement […]

Weekend Garage Sale is this weekend!

Our Neighborhood Bent Grass Pl, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Our annual neighborhood garage sale is this weekend.  It's a fun time to meet our neighbors as well as clean out the basement of shed.

Neighborhood Dumpster (last weekend)

Our Neighborhood Bent Grass Pl, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

This is the last weekend for the dumpster. The dumpster is located at the end of the Poa Annua cul-de-sac.